It’s difficult to imagine what you would appear like without hair, and it’s one of the things that most people hope never to have to experience in their lives. But, loss of hair is quite common and you could be in this position in a sudden manner. It’s quite extremely distressing and shocking to see areas of hair loss appearing on your scalp, or hair appearing less slender in particular regions. While there are ways to address this issue, it’s crucial to know the reasons behind why this is occurring. Below are a few instances of the causes that could cause female pattern baldness, which you must be aware of.

It’s a Hereditary

Genetics are among the most important factors that can increase the likelihood of getting FPB and if you’ve had a family background of women in your family having hair loss and hair loss the odds are that it could be a possibility for you too. The most common time for this is late in the life span, however it doesn’t mean that people who are in their 20s, 30s or younger in some instances – will not suffer from this problem. Unfortunately, there’s not much to do about it however, hair transplants might be an alternative if you are seeking a permanent solution. They can stimulate hair growth in these areas of hair loss and will give you more dense hair that is beautiful and long-lasting.


The process of getting older has many advantages, but you’ll notice some changes to your body. It could be that is as easy as feeling greater pain and aches or your eyesight could become less clear, you might be more wrinkled or notice the hair getting gray. All of this is normal, however another problem that you may encounter with age is the loss of hair and hair loss. It’s not a common occurrence but being older could be greater risk since your hair follicles begin to shrink and cease to grow new hairs.

Hormonal Changes

Another risk factor that can cause FPB is hormonal changes within the body, typically as a result of the onset of pregnancy or, more frequently, menopausal. Menopausal and perimenopausal women are likely to feel a great deal of discomfort during the transition in their lives as well as mood fluctuations, hot flashes that are uncomfortable and fatigue and weight loss or gain or even thinner hair or patches of baldness. Your doctor is able to talk with you about changes to your lifestyle that you can implement to help ease the effects of menopausal changes, or prescribe medication to ease the symptoms and include special shampoos that may help to reduce loss of hair.

Autoimmune Disease

Alopecia areata can be described as an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles and causes the scalp becoming bald with patches. If you’re beginning to notice the signs of this over your head, it’s an excellent suggestion to visit your physician promptly to discuss treatment options. Hair transplants won’t be appropriate for this condition, however you could discover that the combination of medication and topical treatments could assist in the growth of hair.

Other factors can increase your chances of losing hair throughout your life However, these are the main likely reasons to consider if you experience this.